
Topical Problems of Mechanical Engineering


The Submission Requirements


Dear Participants and Guests of the conference ToPME!

Please read carefully the The Submission Requirements before registering.

The Submission Requirements of ToPME

1. General provisions

International Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Topical Problems of Mechanical Engineering" (ToPME) is organized by Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN) with the support of Russian Academy of Sciences and leading Technical Universities of Russia.

1.2. The conference aims:

  • discuss the major tasks of Mechanical Engineering;
  • give the opportunity for young scientists to talk about the results of their research activities;
  • establish contacts between young scientists;
  • exchange the latest scientific information;
  • involve talented youth in the science of machines and promotion of science.

1.3. The conference topics:

  • Structural materials science;
  • Strength, survivability and safety of machines;
  • Tribology;
  • Vibration processes and systems;
  • Bio-mechanics;
  • Machines mechanics and control, robotics;
  • Non-linear wave mechanics and technologies.

1.4. The conference working languages are Russian and English.

1.5. Based on the results of the sectional sessions, expert councils will determine the best reports, whose authors will receive honorary conference diplomas and memorable gifts from the organizers.

1.6. Based on the results of the event the conference Proceedings, which includes all the presented reports will be published.

2. Terms of ToPME

2.1. To participate in the conference it’s necessary to submit the applications within the deadline set by the Organizing Committee.

2.2. Requirements for participants

2.2.1. Young scientists, students and post-graduates are allowed to participate in the conference.

2.2.2. It is allowed to submit works done in co-authorship.

2.2.3. Each participant can submit no more than three reports.

2.3. Requirements for the report

2.3.1. The submitted report should reflect the results of the participant's scientific work and fully correspond to the theme of the conference.

2.3.2. The duration of each presentation within the framework of the sectional meetings including questions and discussions on the reports topics is limited by 10 minutes.

2.3.3. For the presentation, each participant should prepare a presentation made in MS PowerPoint and saved in * .ppt and * .pdf formats. In the presentation it is desirable to use no more than 15 slides. Files on a CD / DVD, memory card or USB flash drive (the latter is more preferable) should be provided to the responsible secretary before the session starts.

2.3.4. Participation in ToPME means only oral presentations. The participant is obliged to present his report at the meeting of the section, otherwise his participation in the conference is not counted, and the report is not published.

2.3.5. Annotations of reports and articles for publication should be made on the basis of the proposed templates. Each article should be provided with an expert conclusion (in electronic form).

2.4. Expenses related to travel and accommodation for the duration of the conference, Participants and Guests pay for themselves.

3. Order of ToPME

3.1. Acceptance of applications for participation in ToPME begins after the publication of the First Information Letter.

3.2. After the deadline for accepting applications, the Program of the event is formed and a collection of abstracts of reports is published.

3.3. Important information regarding the conference is reflected in the Second Information Letter.

3.4. After the event, the ToPME Proceedings is published, containing the reports presented at the conference. The Proceedings is printed in the form of a separate book edition with an international standard number (ISBN).

4. Rights and obligations of Organizers and Participants

4.1. The participant is obliged to accept these Terms and to pass the registration procedure on the registration page of the site.

4.2. The organizers are obliged to inform the Participants about the changes in the conditions of ToPME by placing the relevant information on the official conference website and / or sending letters by e-mail.

4.3. The organizers reserve the right to refuse participation, providing a justified refusal.

4.4. The participant guarantees that the submitted report and other corresponding materials do not violate the copyright of third parties.

4.5. Submitting an article for publication, the Participant, from his/her own name and on behalf of the co-authors, confirms the agreement that: the article can be translated and published in English; an article can be posted on the Internet; the text of the article can be slightly corrected in the context of pre-press preparation (only in exceptional cases and while maintaining the quality and content of the work); the author's fee, in case of publication of the Participant's report, is not paid.

4.6. Organizers are obliged to give everyone of the Participants the opportunity to make an oral presentation.

4.7. The participant has the right to expect to postpone his speech for another time if there are serious reasons for it, if he timely informs the Organizers about it and this will be possible within the framework of the Conference Program.

5. Additional provisions

5.1. The organizers reserve the right to change these Terms.


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